M. Ardhana G. S.
I'm Software Developer

Software Developer & IoT Engineer.
- Degree: Bachelor
- City: Bekasi, Indonesia
- Major: Electrical Engineer
- Email: syahputra.ardhana@gmail.com
Experienced developer/programmer and cumlaude graduate as bachelor of electrical engineer. Specialization in developing Back End (Asp.Net, Java, Golang, Django, Laravel, Codeigniter, YII), Front End (React.js), Mobile App (Flutter), and IoT (Esp32). I'm an active and hard-working person who loves collaborating in diverse environments and looking for job opportunities that provide opportunities to develop into a professional career.
Professional Experience
Software Engineer
PT. Indonesia Epson Industry
Oct 2023 - Present
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
- Develop Software with feature based on requirement
- Develop realtime query on website using ASP .Net
- Develop reporting using telerik report
- Develop table and feature using kendo telerik
- Perform CI/CD using Gitlab Epson
- Deploy to staging and production servers
- Writing app skeleton to be used by other developer
- Review code and merge to master branch after developers push to Git repository
- Tech: ASP.Net, Telerik, Kendo, React, Vite, Gitlab, Gmail, Sql Server
Full Stack Developer
PT. Dana Purna Investama
Jul 2023 - Sep 2023
Jakarta, Indonesia
- Develop Software with feature based on requirement
- Develop realtime query on website using laravel, Codeigniter
- Perform CI/CD using Gitlab DPI
- Writing app skeleton to be used by other developer
- Review code and merge to master branch after developers push to Git repository
- Tech : Laravel, React, Gitlab, Gmail, MySql
Freelance & Internship
Software Developer
UPT Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi UNS
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
- Develop Software with feature based on requirement
- Design architecture system like database and UI/UX
- Develop realtime query on website using laravel and golang (Gin)
- Develop SSO Auth using SAML2
- Perform CI/CD using Gitlab UNS
- Deploy to staging and production servers
- Writing app skeleton to be used by other developer
- Review code and merge to master branch after developers push to Git repository
- Tech : Laravel, Golang, Gin, Livewire, Gitlab, Saml2, Gmail, MySql, SSO
Fullstack Mobile Developer (Freelance)
Nov 2022 - Mar 2023
Indonesia, Remote
- Writing app skeleton to be used by other developers
- Develop Rest API using laravel
- Integration Database between Website and Mobile Apps
- Develop mobile apps based on design using flutter
- Implement BloC State Management
- Using google maps API to show maps and location
- Using deep link between website and mobile apps
- Deploy to staging and production servers
- Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications
- Tech : Laravel, Flutter, MySQL, Google Maps, Deep Linking, Github
Maintenance Engineer
PT Kayaba Indonesia
Jan 2022 - Feb 2022
Bekasi, Indonesia
- Perform code reviews and contribute ideas to improve the quality
- Develop website based on requirement
- Develop Rest API for Send Data via API on PLC Delta
- Develop realtime query on website using laravel
- Perform data from database to Charts using ChartJs
- Writing app skeleton to be used by other developer
- Tech : Laravel, Livewire, Mysql, ChartJs, PLC, IoT
- Tech : Laravel, Flutter, MySQL, Google Maps, Deep Linking, Github
Professional Education
Electrical and Informatics Engineer
Universitas Sebelas Maret
2019 - 2023
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
- Relevant Coursework : Advanced programming, basic programming, information system, mobile programming
- Course External : Multi Platform and Back End (SIB at Dicoding), Android Development using Kotlin (Course Exchange at UNUJA)
- Actively participates in more than 10+ campus events, such as competitions, webinars, and skills training workshops
My Project Portfolio.
- All
- ASP.Net
- Laravel
- Spring Boot
- Django
- Golang
- Flutter
- React Js
- Arduino
My Contact
Bekasi, Indonesia
Email Us
Muhammad Ardhana